Safely connecting parents and newborns

Safely Connecting Parents and Newborns

Couplet Care represents change in the standard of care for mothers and birthing parents, newborns, and health care team members -- facilitating breastfeeding, skin-to-skin contact, safe sleep, and patient safety, and clinical efficiency in caring for new families.

The Couplet Care Bassinet is now available for sale and distribution within the United States.


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The Couplet Care bassinet uniquely allows all birthing parents access to their newborn without a second person in the room.

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Co-designed for access

New parents need to be able to see and reach their infants.

The Couplet Care Bassinet has been co-designed with birthing parents and health care team members.

Couplet Care is more than a bassinet — it's a key element of achieving respectful, equitable, supportive postpartum care.

Couplet Care, Inc seeks to improve patient safety, clinical efficiency, and health outcomes for mothers and newborns. Preliminary results from independently conducted research funded by the National Institutes of Health suggest the Couplet Care Bassinet is feasible, acceptable, and impactful.

In 2021, Dr. Amanda Thompson led a trial at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Medical Center.

Reduces nurse time in postnatal unit room by 73%

The US is facing a shortfall in direct patient care RN’s of 1.1 million by 2025.

Reduces infant time out-of-room by 60%

60% reduction compared to other bassinets

The Baby Friendly Hospital standard is less than 60 minutes/day out-of-room time for newborn infants for non-medical reasons.


A new standard of care

Caring for mothers and infants together, in the same postnatal unit room and as a couplet is the standard of care across the United States and beyond.

However, outdated bassinets create unnecessary problems, including potential risks of maternal pain or infant injury when attempting to accomplish basic tasks such as comforting, diapering, or feeding.

Additionally, continued use of bassinets that have high walls and can only be positioned adjacent to the maternal bed can contribute to calls to nursing staff to assist with infant handling.

No one should have to ask for help to reach their infants.

mom, dad, and baby in hospital after birth

 Couplet Care has designed a bassinet specifically for parents and their newborns while rooming-in.

Based on extensive research, including through listening and observing what matters most to mothers, birthing parents, and health care team members and co-design, the Couplet Care Bassinet is expected to:

woman kissing newborn

Enhance visual and physical access to newborns

asian baby sleeping

Reduce infant risks by providing a secure and accessible sleeping location

woman in pain after birth

Reduce postpartum pain caused by twisting, reaching, and maneuvering the bassinet

couplet care medical bassinet in use

Increase new parent access to their infants via ergonomic controls

mom and newborn with skin-to-skin contact

Promote maternal autonomy by enabling independent interaction as they like and need


For more information on the Couplet Care Bassinet™ please contact us.